Eat that frog with a Pomodoro
The Pomodoro technique is a time management methodology in which we work for 25 minutes and then take a break of 3–5 minutes and then continue work . In this technique this step is repeated four times and then a long break of 15–20 minutes is taken.
Step 01:To write an assignment
I picked a task to write an assignment of Data Analytics.
Step 02:Set a 25 minutes timer
I set a stopwatch on 25 minutes count down.
Step 03:Work on your task until the time is up
I continued writing my assignment and stopped when the stopwatch rang.
Step 04:Take a 5 minutes break
I took a break of 5 minutes after the time of first attempt elapsed.
Step 05:Every 4 Pomodoro's, take a long break of 15–20 minutes
I repeated the same step 04 times and then took a long break of 15–30 minutes.
Distractions Popped in my head during work:
Mobile phone
Indoor activities
Was this experiment difficult for you or not that difficult?
Yes, this experiment was difficult for me because I tried it for the first time. It was amazing . It helped me to plan a task in a time bound. I got distracted during the task but the time bound kept me IN in the work.
Did it help you accomplish more or about the same?
Yes, I helped me to accomplish more. In this technique, it took me an hour to complete my assignment. The same task would take 4–5 hours if I would not follow this technique to accomplish my task.
Do you plan on doing this again regularly, and what will you do to improve the experience?
Yes, I will plan every task to accomplish with this technique. When I continue my task I do not take care of time and sometimes I also switch from one activity to another without analyzing the output of task on which I spend a lot of time. Pomodoro technique will help me in managing time to complete a task and this time bound will restrict me to divert attention from the task